
A surprising documentary film that takes its viewers into the multi-billion dollar romance fiction business and the remarkable worldwide community of women who create, consume, and love romance novels.

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Eloisa James  with a fan

Eloisa James  with a fan

Avon authors at Margaret Mitchell’s house

Avon authors at Margaret Mitchell’s house

Fans in line at a Nora Roberts signing

Fans in line at a Nora Roberts signing

Beverly Jenkins with a fan

Beverly Jenkins with a fan

Interview with Elizabeth Essex and Joanne Lockyer

Interview with Elizabeth Essex and Joanne Lockyer

“Writing fight scenes” workshop

“Writing fight scenes” workshop

Critique session with Radclyffe

Critique session with Radclyffe

A marketing meeting at HarperCollins

A marketing meeting at HarperCollins

Inside a cover shoot

Inside a cover shoot

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love between the covers logo