"Upbeat and heartfelt..."
- Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter
"Love Between the Covers is a riveting and celebratory look at the romance genre and industry."
-Mary Grzesik, HEA
"The movie turned out to be more spectacular than I’d expected: witty, warm, and persuasive on a fundamental level... If you haven't seen it, you should!”
- Damon Suede, RT Book Reviews
"Intimate and inspirational..."
- Peter Keough, The Boston Globe
"The feature-length film takes an affectionate look at the vast, unheralded community of women who have effectively kept the publishing industry afloat by sales of romance novels (more than $1 billion in 2013 alone, according to BookStats)."
- James Sullivan, The Boston Globe
"Booklist Editors’ #1 Choice: Video, 2015 - TOP OF THE LIST WINNER
Writers and fans demonstrate affection and mutual respect for each other in this well-edited program that will be devoured by romance readers, aspiring writers, and anyone who loves reading."
- Candace Smith, Booklist
"... A positive, stirring and ultimately uplifting film that peels away viewer’s preconceived notions about the romance genre, providing a candid look at the writers who pen these love stories and the passionate readers who consume them."
- Tyler Moss, Writer's Digest
"Those who aren’t familiar with the genre could learn a lot from Love Between the Covers. Those who are familiar could learn a few things too..."
- Trisha Brown, BookRiot
"Early in the film, Jenkins describes the women who write romance. With her typical flair for words, she says, “We are the shit.” After watching Love Between the Covers, it’s hard to argue with that."
- Jessica Luther, BitchMedia
"A fabulous little film, even if you don't have strong feelings one way or another about romance novels..."
- Elizabeth Kiefer, Refinery29
"Love Between the Covers is a valuable resource: a lively collection of interviews and footage that is sure to stimulate thought. The greatest achievement of Love Between the Covers is that it presents the complexity of romance fiction as an ecosystem...... sociologically minded students and scholars will value the insights into romance fiction’s intricate, vibrant networks and systems."
- Beth Driscoll, The Journal of Popular Romance Studies
"If you’ve been curious about the documentary and haven’t been able to get to a screening, you should be able to find it today – woo hoo!"
- Sarah Wendell, Smart Bitches Trashy Books
"Move over Grisham and King, it turns out that the true titans of publishing are women... This funny and inspiring look into a billion-dollar industry turns up the trailblazers who have not only found fortunes and fulfillment in romance, but who are also at the front lines of the biggest power shift in publishing."
-Myrocia Watamaniuk, Hot Docs Canadian International Film Festival
"The bonds between such popular writers, Nora Roberts for one, and their fans are simply astounding, bringing down the detached, lofty ideas of the publishing world and famous writing.....
Feel-good, uplifting, and affirming, I think anyone who has an interest in feminist writing should give Love Between the Covers a go—I guarantee you will learn something that will make you smile!"
- Madelyn Sundquist
"If you’re the type of person who enjoys getting glimpses into what truly happens in the world of romantic literature, Love Between the Covers will be sure to please."
- Sarah, Harlequin Junkie
"Filmmaker Laurie Kahn calls romance fiction a story of pride and prejudice. The genre accounts for a billion dollars in annual sales, and the people who read and write these steamy books are a vast community of educated and savvy women. But despite its wild popularity and economic success, many see romance as nothing more than tawdry, throw-away pulp..."
-Doug Fabrizio, RadioWest, NPR Utah
"... An amazing movie that really captures the writer’s journey..."
- Jax Cassidy, Romance Divas
"A light, bubbly, unwaveringly feel-good doc, Laurie Kahn’s Love Between the Covers plays as a celebration of the often-maligned world of romance fiction...
A slickly-produced, entertaining doc."
- Maurie Alioff, POV Magazine
W&H: "What drew you to this story?"
LK: "I want to bring the lives and work of compelling women to the screen because any industry dominated by women is typically dismissed as trivial and “merely domestic."
- Laura Berger, Women and Hollywood, Indiewire
"It’s easy to dismiss this H.E.A. (Happily Ever After) literature, but the film surprises with its feminist message: Romance fiction... This is the one place where you will consistently find women’s sexuality treated fairly and positively. As one author puts it: “You can have sex without dying horribly, which I thought was a plus.”
– Marsha Lederman, The Globe and Mail
"The joy and excitement of the participants here are palpable... Show readers some love and buy this film."
- Melanie C. Duncan, Shurling Lib., Macon, GA, Library Journal
"The film is persuasive, and likely to make viewers who’ve never paid attention to the genre take a second look, and perhaps buy a romance novel. Love Between the Covers, by featuring the work of writers who introduce characters of color, LGBTQ characters, and strong, stable female characters, made me reconsider my knee-jerk assumptions about these books and the people who read them."
- Eleanor J. Bader, Rewire
"Her new film, Love Between the Covers, explores the global community of romance writers and readers, and pokes holes in people's assumptions about the genre."
- Tracy Mumford, MPR News
"Romance writing isn’t just a billion-dollar industry. It’s also the nicest meritocracy around."
- Emma Teitel, Maclean's Magazine
But why is romance so often dismissed? It’s a question that filmmaker Laurie Kahn sets out to answer in her new documentary... Check out the trailer for more info—and to drool over the huge names that Kahn was able to interview (like Nora Roberts!)
- Rachel Carter, BookTrib
"For anyone with even the most remote interest in this genre, this little film is a must-see... This documentary is not only only great “entertainment,” but it might serve as an
epiphany-creator for anyone who thinks that things pertaining to women have no value."
- Ariel J. Smythe, LA Splash Magazine
LK: "In creating Love Between the Covers, I discovered one of the few places where women are always center stage, where female characters always win, where justice prevails in every book, and where the broad spectrum of desires of women from all backgrounds are not feared, but explored unapologetically."
- Laurie Kahn, Huffington Post
"This film feels like a welcome update to Janice Radway’s Reading the Romance, with the focus shifted away from readers and toward writers and the publishing industry."
- Diana Miller, Canadian Sociological Association
"[A] groundbreaking exploration of a billion dollar business dominated by women."
- Lucy Mukerjee-Brown
"[A] smart, fun documentary..."
- Molly Boyle, The Santa Fe New Mexican
"Love Between the Covers is my favorite documentary of the year so far and could easily turn out to be the best one I see in 2015."
- Ren Jender, Bitch Flicks
"LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS, Boston-based documentarian Laurie Kahn trains her seasoned eye on the powerful global community of romance writers"
- Imagine News Magazine
"Quite simply, Love Between the Covers is about, well, love. It’s a fun documentary... Love Between the Covers takes a feminist stance–an intersectional feminist stance at that!–about a topic that could have so easily resulted in a puff piece."
-Laura Di Girolamo, Cinefilles
"John Cole, the director for the Center for the Book announced, “Romance fiction arrives center stage.”
It was standing room only in a mahogany auditorium filled with romance enthusiasts across the spectrum..."
- Emma Pearse, Smithsonian.com
(On Popular Romance Project Conference and Love Between the Covers sneak preview screening)
"For the cool of heart and the calculating of temperament, the Happily Ever After is the delicious denouement expected — nay, demanded — by romance fiction readers, writers, publishers and scholars, 200 of whom gathered this week for the first conference on the literature of love at the Library of Congress. Yes, that Library of Congress, devoting time to what the Center for the Book’s John Cole deemed 'the most popular and least understood or appreciated genre.'"
- Karen Heller, The Washington Post
"In some ways, romance novels are the dirty little secret of the literary world... Now, the organizers of the Popular Romance Project (PRP) are trying to rewrite the narrative, bringing romance to the attention of those who might not already pay attention to the genre by showcasing its diversity and depth and the community of authors and fans that drives its enduring popularity."
– Ian Chant, Library Journal
“In the past few years, a fresh generation of scholars has been giving popular romance a second look. They're intrigued by it as an object of passionate readerly devotion, as a literary endeavor worth looking at in detail, and as a wildly successful global enterprise with a robust community of fans and writers.
Now the Popular Romance Project, a new undertaking with a strong public-scholarship component, is drawing on that energy to build a place where romance authors and academics, critics and readers, can mingle and get to know one another better.”
– Jennifer Howard, The Chronicle of Higher Education
A great documentary -- The Decider
"a great documentary. Love Between the Covers takes a small, rarely discussed part of the world and smartly examines its complexities and larger societal connections. Even if romance isn’t your genre of choice, this watch is worth checking out."
An inside look at the insane process of getting a romance novel published - The New York Post
"Lockyer is one of six women profiled in “Love Between the Covers,” a documentary about the $1 billion romance novel industry. The film, which will be released on video on demand Tuesday, offers a glimpse of the lives of authors who write these books..."
Love Means You Belong - A Novel Approach
"No matter what you write, you should watch this amazing film."
Documentary examines the world of romance fiction - Carroll County Times
"Look down on romance fiction? You won't after a screening of Love Between the Covers."
Love Between the Covers - The Booklist Reader
"For romance aficionados, Love Between the Covers will articulate and confirm all the reasons they love romance. For viewers who know little or nothing about romance fiction, Kahn’s documentary will deliver one astonishment after another."
Forget Fabio: A modern view of romance novels - MPR News
""Everyone loves a love story," the saying goes — but not everyone loves a romance novel.
The romance genre is one of the most derided forms of fiction, even though it's a powerhouse in the publishing industry
According to Romance Writers of America, romance novels make up 13 percent of all adult fiction sales. Those sales generated more than a billion dollars in 2013.
Despite the books' successes, they get very little respect. A new film is trying to change that."
W+F Closing Night: Love Between The Covers - The Denver Film Society
Love Between the Covers has been selected as the closing night film for Denver's Women + Film Festival.
Love Between the Covers - Toronto Film Scene
“Love Between the Covers is an appealing doc that looks into an oft-ignored genre with humour and humanity...”
Kay: Love Between the Covers - Eight Ladies Writing
"It’s a funny and inspiring look into a billion-dollar industry, fueled by writers who push the discussion on gender, race, sexuality, and diversity."
'Love Between the Covers' looks at romance industry - The Chicago Tribune
"Johnson's group is hoping to change that perception, joining with the Windy City Romance Writers of America chapter to host a free screening of the documentary "Love Between the Covers" at York Theatre in Elmhurst on March 12. The film follows five published romance authors and one unpublished writer over the course of three years, showing how they grow their fan base and navigate changes in the book industry."
How Romance Saved My Life - Madeline Iva
"'Romance shows women as sexual creatures in a possitive way. They get to have satisfying sex without being punished for it.' Whoa! That’s so true–damn straight!... I was moved to witness women who wanted romances about them, and when they didn’t see those romances on the shelves, they went out and wrote them. That kind of “If you build it they will come” ethos makes me bawl. Beverly Jenkins in particular comes to mind."
Dialogue, Feb. 21, 2016 Men's Health; Love Between the Covers
Stratford Library screens Love Between the Covers
"The Stratford Library will be hosting a one-time screening of the film, Love Between the Covers on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 10 a.m., in the Lovell Room. The special screening of Emmy Award-Winner Laurie Kahn’s documentary film about the global community of romance novel writers and readers is free and open to the public."
Romance writers share their world in ‘Love Between the Covers’ film at Danbury Palace
LAURIE KAHN: "Love stories are universal. ... Romance novels have been written primarily by women, for women and about women. They have been successful, I believe, because romance fiction is one of the few places where female characters are always center stage, where justice prevails in every book, where women get what they want and the broad spectrum of desires of women from all backgrounds are not feared, but explored unapologetically."
- Laurie interviewed by Linda Tuccio-Koonz, CTPost
"We bond over books online, at events, and it tends to stick -- and the film covered that so well!"
- Marcia, Bookswagger
Why books like Fifty Shades of Grey are worthy of study - The Guardian
In 2013 and 2014, conservative politicians and media raised a stink about NEH funding of the Popular Romance Project... The furore did in fact affect NEH funding, and the Popular Romance Project had to scale back their website – though with other funding they went on to hold a successful conference and help fund the critically lauded documentary Love Between the Covers.
- Noah Berlatsky, The Guardian
Not Your Grandma’s Romance - Princeton Alumni Weekly
"“People would crochet covers for their novels,” says producer and director Laurie Kahn ’78, who spent four years researching and filming her 2015 documentary Love Between the Covers, which looks at the community of women who create and read romance novels. “Most people’s stereotype is the lonely, pathetic woman living out her fantasies by reading and writing romance novels, but nothing could be further from the truth.” Her film profiles a surgeon who writes romance novels, as well as authors who are earning millions of dollars a year."
- Jennifer Altmann, Princeton Alumni Weekly
Love Between the Covers on The State of Things - WUNC North Carolina
"The romance novel genre is usually portrayed as trivial and predictable. But the readers and writers of the billion dollar industry see it differently—for them it’s a community filled with empowering stories and complex heroines.
The documentary "Love Between the Covers" explores the world of literary romance through stories written by, for, and about women."
- Charlie Shelton and Frank Stasio, WUNC
KTVA Alaska morning news: Anchorage International Film Festival [VIDEO]
"One of my personal highlights was Love Between the Covers, which is about romance novel writers. As someone who has never read a romance novel-- it actually made me want to read one!"
- Rebecca Pottenbaum, AIFF Coordinator, KTVA news
Public Libraries Online (Public Libraries Association): Love Between the Covers "DocumentaryLaurie Kahn, the documentary’s director, agrees that libraries are the perfect place for a screening. “Seventy-five million Americans read at least one romance novel per year, and 46 % of romance consumers read at least one book per week! These voracious readers have not always felt welcome in public libraries, and screening the film will send a clear message, welcoming romance readers into the library to watch a film about the romance community with an audience of other people who love the genre, or are curious about it. A public screening will also help librarians establish good relations with local romance writers and these relations could lead to future popular events at the library.”
- Christyna Hunter, Public Libraries Online
Love Between The Covers Documentary - Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood Blog
"It was refreshing to see a journalistic viewpoint that actually tried to dive deep into what makes romance such a popular and powerful industry from so many different perspectives…
Overall, I found the film uplifting and inspirational — an intimate look into what it’s like the be an author and reader in a unique space."
- Jeannie Lin, romance writer
'Love Between the Covers’ film screening discusses romance, feminism in modern literature
"This film highlights one of the most underestimated communities in literature. The impact of this event on the Arkansas State University campus is best stated by Willbanks, “This film says to young women, like those present on a college campus, that no matter their skin color or sexual orientation, they can accomplish anything.”
- Melissa Martin, The ASU Herald
Documentarian Laurie Kahn Explores Romance in Publishing - BookTrib
"The film explores what it means to write romance, how the community works together and why exactly there’s shame attached to the bestselling genre in all of publishing. Check out the trailer for more info—and to drool over the huge names that Kahn was able to interview (like Nora Roberts!)..."
- Rachel Carter, BookTrib
- BookTrib: Live Interview with Laurie Kahn 11/2/15
BookTrib interviewed Love Between the Covers director Laurie Kahn LIVE on 11/2/15 - You can watch the full interview here.
Love Between the Covers will screen at #UTOPiAcon2016
- Utopiacon
BookTrib: Live Interview with Laurie Kahn 11/2/15
BookTrib interviewed Love Between the Covers director Laurie Kahn LIVE on 11/2/15 - You can watch the full interview here.
Indiewire: 2015 DOC NYC Lineup is 38% Female-Helmed
"...The diverse fare on offer also includes Laurie Kahn's "Love Between the Covers," an exploration of romance fiction and its fandom, and Holly Morris and Anne Bogart's "The Babushkas of Chernobyl,.."
- Laura Berg, Indiewire
New Film on Feminist Literature & Romance Novels
"Romance novels comprise over a billion dollars a year in book sales, outselling science fiction, fantasy, and mystery combined. So why is the genre so often dismissed as frivolous “scribble” rather than elevated as a radical literary form that pushes the envelope on gender, race, and diversity? The heroic characters, prolific writers, and voracious readers that dominate romantic fiction are primarily women. Witty and intelligent, these lovers of the written word form a collaborative, supportive, and dynamic community where readers and writers inspire one another. Emmy Award® Winning director Laurie Kahn (Tupperware!) takes a comprehensive look at what goes into publishing a romantic novel, from the author’s inspiration and writing process to the photo shoots for those distinctive cover designs. Speaking with literary scholars, romance fanatics, aspiring writers, and award-winning authors, including Nora Roberts, Eloisa James, Beverly Jenkins, and Radclyffe, this documentary offers fascinating insights into this female-centric literary world."
- Amy Aquilino, JHistory
Newsworthy - The Library Journal
"Part of the Popular Romance Project and completed earlier this year, Love Between the Covers is a feature-length documentary from filmmaker Laurie Kahn that focuses on the global community of romance writers, readers, and publishers. The 86-minute film is now available to libraries for both educational use and lending. For the starred review, see Video Reviews, LJ 11/1/15. For more information, see the form at lovebetweenthecovers.com/screenings, call 617-924-6633, or email screenings@lovebetweenthecovers.com."
- Kristin Ramsdell, The Library Journal
DVF28 Preview: Thursday - Theater Jones
"Love Between the Covers (7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15) A cheeky doc by Laurie Kahn, who spent three years profiling the women who write, publish, and consume romance novels—a genre for which Dallas is a major publishing hub, and one that is a multi-billion dollar industry and arguably the tentpole of modern publishing. Kahn interviews authors such as duo Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan, lesbian romance author Len Barot (a former surgeon who writes under the pseudonym Radclyffe), Mary Bly (aka Eloisa James) an English lit professor and the daughter of poet Robert Bly, and others, all of whom challenge the preconceived notions associated with the genre."
-Gary Dowell, Theater Jones
Screen Scene: Films not to miss this weekend at the Tallgrass Film Festival
" “Love Between the Covers” – This documentary examines the worldwide community of women who create, consume and love romance novels. Showing at 2:45 p.m. Saturday at the Orpheum. Director Laurie Kahn will attend."
-Rod Pocowatchit, The Wichita Eagle
Tallgrass filmmaker questionnaire: Laurie Kahn, ‘Love Between the Covers'
"Why were you drawn to tell this story? I want to bring the lives and work of compelling women to the screen, because any industry dominated by women is typically dismissed as trivial and “merely domestic.” My previous films – “A Midwife’s Tale” and “Tupperware!” – are very different from one another, but they were both shaped by my desire to look honestly at communities of women who haven’t been taken seriously (but should be), who deserve to be heard without being mocked."
-Rod Pocowatchit, The Wichita Eagle
Newburyport News - Newburyport Documentary Film Festival marks 10th anniversary
"Romance novels tend to get a bad rap. Critics say they’re escapist, they’re formulaic — and where are all these down-on-their-luck girls finding stunningly-handsome-yet-vulnerable men, anyway?
But if you ask filmmaker Laurie Kahn, she’ll tell you that there’s much more to the story.
Kahn’s the director and producer of “Love Between the Covers,” one of the most anticipated films at this year’s Newburyport Documentary Film Festival. Filmmakers, critics and movie buffs will flock to the Firehouse Center for the Arts and the Screening Room this weekend for three days of cinematic immersion."
-James Pouliot, Newburyport News
Roger Walker-Dack interviews Laurie Kahn about her film "Love Between the Covers" at the 2015 Provincetown International Film Festival. Love Between the Covers http://lovebetweenthecovers.com Provincetown International Film Festival http://ptownfilmfest.org Made possible with the support of Provincetown Community Television http://provincetowntv.org
Imagine News Magazine - Provincetown International Film Fest Highlights
The PIFF lineup.
Il Ginorale - La letteratura vende rosa E vi spieghiamo il perché - Italian Review of Love Between the Covers
An Italian review of Love Between the Covers, which screened at the Festivaletteratura in Mantua on Sept. 9 and 11th, 2015.
The Boston Globe - "DOCUMANIA: Kentucky, Cambodia, and points between"
"Boston-based filmmaker Laurie Kahn possesses an ideal background for a documentarian: a degree in philosophy and experience as a newspaper reporter. She has an eye for everyday details and an insight into their meaning. From the beginning she was drawn to the struggles of the oppressed, working on the PBS series “Frontline: Crisis in Central America” (1985) and “Eyes on the Prize.” Later, she would focus on neglected stories of remarkable women in documentaries such as “A Midwife’s Tale” (1998) and “Tupperware!” (2004). Her latest film, “Love Between the Covers,” reveals the gynocentric inner workings of the romance-novel industry. Here are three films (and one TV series) that guided her way..."
- Peter Keough, The Boston Globe
LA Splash Magazine - "Love Between the Covers" is New Kahn Documentary on Romance Genre
"For anyone with even the most remote interest in this genre, this little film is a must-see. Not only do the featured writers have a great camera presence, they have great things to say-- about the genre, about writing, and about the writing- and reading- life in general."
- Ariel J. Smythe, LA Splash Magazine
Divulge Magazine - Los Angeles Film Festival Takes Over DTLA
"...The festival’s 14th year is marked by a varied slate of 74 feature films, 60 short films and over 50 new-media works. With such a large scale palette of films to choose from, here are some suggestions...
Some vivid documentaries are on the schedule... Laurie Kahn’s “Love Between the Covers” explores another female-driven subject: the writers behind romance novels, a billion-dollar industry."
- Genie Davis, Divulge Magazine
"One of the most fascinating documentaries of the fest (and you may be surprised by this) is all about love; well, LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS, the covers of books that is. A real page turner, director Laurie Kahn takes us into the world of the romance novel..."
Writer/Director/Producer Laurie Kahn talks about her page turning documentary and "Must See" festival film, LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS, which takes us inside the world of the romance novel. June 10th kicked off the official Opening Night of the 21st Annual 2015 LOS ANGELES FILM FESTIVAL, one of the crown jewels in the global film festival crown.
FI: Was there one moment were you most proud that you were able to capture?
LK: The queen of romance, Nora Roberts, is very disciplined and rarely agrees to interviews. (She writes five books a year, and, as she says “I keep my ass in the chair.”) When she’s interviewed, she’s almost always asked the same superficial questions. It took me a few years to get my interview with Nora, but when I did, she was open and funny and willing to talk about subjects she’s never been asked about.
The Author Biz Podcast with Laurie Kahn of Love Between the Covers
"Laurie Kahn on what makes the romance market so unique..."
The SheView - Nuns, romance novelists and why women should run the world
"...With the negative perceptions addressed and out of the way, the rest of the documentary focuses on the beautiful community of authors and readers (who are often one in the same). This is a powerful choice from Kahn. Instead of overtly bitching about the patriarchy — which I wouldn’t have faulted her for — Kahn decides to show these women coming together, forming bonds, and uniting over their love of reading and writing. And with this direction choice, Kahn entirely smashes just about every female stereotype..."
- Danita Steinberg, The Sheview
The Winehouse Mag - 4 Docs to Catch Before Hot Docs Ends
"It’s a fantastic way to end of the festival!"
- Chaka V. Grier, The Winehouse Mag
Laurie Kahn on CTV's CanadaAM
Check out a video of LBTC's director Laurie Kahn on CanadaAM here. Her interview starts at 02:05:00.
Panic Manual - Hot Docs Review: Love Between the Covers
“This documentary is full of fantastic, hilarious quotes. It’s easy to follow along through the narrative of the work and the industry. These women are sassy, down to earth and incredibly smart. They tackle every hurdle fearlessly, explaining this is one place you’ll find women’s sexuality fairly represented… you can have sex without dying a horrible death… the idea that romance novels are sneered at because they’re written by women, for women and about women… the list goes on.
Above all, love trumps hate.”
Cinema Axis - Hot Docs 2015: Love Between the Covers
“Love Between the Covers succeeds in making us rethink our perceptions of the romance genre. Kahn shows that these authors are more than mere peddlers of fantasies. They are individuals responsible for proofing cover images, writing website info, and keeping in constant contact with their fans on the various social media platforms. If we can praise other forms of entertainment for repeatedly riding the same formula to financial success, then it is time to start giving the romance novels the respect they deserve.”
Laurie Kahn on CTV's The Social
Check out a video of LBTC's director Laurie Kahn on The Social here.
Cinefilles - Interview with Laurie Kahn of Love Between the Covers
"We’ve covered Love Between the Covers twice already during this past week (see: our review, our interview with two participants), as the documentary about romance fiction writers from Laurie Kahn made its debut at the Hot Docs. But after we got a chance to speak with Kahn over the phone last weekend, we had to seize that charm and cover it a third time..."
- Emily Gagne, Cinefilles
Cinefilles - Interview with Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan of Love Between the Covers
"Last week, I covered Love Between The Covers, an inspirational documentary about the passionate and powerful community of romance authors and romance fans who fight to legitimize their craft in a literary field that scorns them. I was lucky enough to interview two women featured in the film, New York Times bestselling writing partners Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley, about the romance industry, sexism and what they hope viewers take away from the film..."
- Laura Di Girolamo, Cinefilles
The Matinee - Love Between the Covers
"...after seeing LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS, I do believe my scoffing days are over....There’s a lot of muscle and might on-display in LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS. Seeing these women follow their calling in this way is nothing short of inspiring."
- Ryan McNeil, The Matinee
We Got This Covered - Love Between The Covers [Hot Docs 2015]
"The aim here, I think, is to re-establish the romance genre as something that’s okay to get geek-y about and to show us that it’s as right a form of wish-fulfillment as comic books featuring strong men with super-powers are. Why should tragedy be acknowledged as “literature” while romance is called “trash” just because one ends in tears and the other ends in tears of joy?"
- Adam A. Donaldson, We Got This Covered
Pretty Clever Films - Hot Docs 2015: Love Between the Covers
"Whether or not you’re a fan of romances, Kahn’s documentary is a fascinating look inside the much-maligned genre, a group of authors that are at the forefront of the e-book revolution, and a community of readers that remain invested in a healthy dose of dreams, hopes and wish-fulfillment."
- Pam, Pretty Clever Films
Kilts and Swords Blog - Love Between the Covers Review
"Romance books are the bastion of women, a sisterhood and friendship built around the hopes and dreams of ink and paper. Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley share that writing has seen them through bad marriages, divorce, financial ruin, stress and more. Romance novels have been the same for me over the past twenty-five years. I couldn’t imagine my life without a new story to read or a new author to discover.
I hope this movie gets picked up for wide distribution as it was fantastic. You can view a lot of the interviews on the website and its well worth taking a look!"
Digital Journal - Op-Ed: The films you should be seeing at Toronto's Hot Docs 2015
"What is the best-selling type of book? Self-help? Science fiction? Nope, romance. This documentary examines the best selling — but stigmatized — genre that has made names like Nora Roberts a huge hit."
- Michael Thomas, Digital Journal
Toronto Is Awesome - Reel Talk: Must See Films at HotDocs 2015
"Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America’s largest documentary film festival and conference returns for its 22nd edition here in Toronto. From April 23 to May 3, 2015 the Festival will screen 210 docs from 45 countries. Screenings will take place in various theatres across the city. For complete list of screenings and tickets go to www.hotdocs.ca
Here are a few films that we’ve added to our screening schedule..."
- Sonya Davidson, Toronto Is Awesome
Lonely Reviewer - IFFBoston ’15 Review: Love Between the Covers
"It’s great to have a film that eloquently gives insight into a community most would otherwise not know much about. As an outsider to the world of romantic fiction, I was fascinated by this well-made window into the world and think anyone interested in the art of fiction or even just writing, should seek this film out."
- Vatche, Lonely Reviewer
Lonely Reviewer - IFFBoston 2015 Spotlight
"In taking a look at what’s coming up at each years festival, I always like to pick out a few films to focus in on before the start of the fest."
- Vatche, Lonely Reviewer
Romance coming to the Library of Congress - The Washington Post
“The study of popular romance is a relatively new field of scholarship that has developed rapidly in the past two decades,” said John Cole, director of the Center for the Book. “It is rooted in the realization that popular romance fiction reveals deep truths about people and cultures. From a Center for the Book perspective, this has implications for reading, literacy and promoting lifelong learning.”...
Filmmaker Laurie Kahn, a staff member of the Popular Romance Project, encouraged the Center for the Book to host this conference. She’s the producer/director of “Love Between the Covers,” an upcoming documentary about women who read and write romance literature. The film will be previewed on Feb. 10, and clips from it will be used the next day at the start of each panel to spark discussion.
'As a documentary filmmaker, I want to bring the lives and work of compelling women to the screen,' Kahn said, 'because any industry dominated by women is typically dismissed as trivial and ‘merely domestic.’ My previous films — ‘A Midwife’s Tale’ and ‘Tupperware!’ – are very different from one another, but they were both shaped by my desire to look honestly at communities of women who haven’t been taken seriously (but should be), who deserve to be heard without being mocked.'"
- Ron Charles, The Washington Post
Romance Rocks the Library of Congress - Kirkus
"I spent Wednesday at a conference at the Library of Congress that celebrated romance. If that wasn’t spectacular enough, it also included a number of academics who spend some of their time reading, teaching, and studying romance novels.
The conference was held in conjunction with a special sneak preview of Love Between the Covers, a documentary on the romance community by the esteemed filmmaker Laurie Kahn, who refers to it as 'a female-powered engine of commerce, a multi-billion dollar business and tech-savvy global sisterhood.' Sounds about right to me."
- Bobbi Dumas, Kirkus
Storify - What Is Love? Romance Fiction in the Digital Age, Popular Romance Project Conference at the Library of Congress
This is what people were saying on Twitter during the recent Love Between the Covers sneak preview screening and Popular Romance Project conference at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Storify story assembled by author/blogger Kiersten Hallie Krum.