Host a Screening at a Community Venue — Love Between the Covers


The film was fantastic... Definitely something even non-romance-readers would enjoy!
— Jan Leyh, screening host, romance writer
Have you ever wanted a look inside the fabulous world of romance writing? Last night the RT staff got a special peek at the magic that goes into crafting our favorite books.....The documentary was really fabulous!
— Kristin Wise, RT Book Reviews

Create an event where you and your community can get together, laugh and celebrate Love Between the Covers!

Have fun with your...

  • book club
  • writing group
  • local bookstore
  • RWA chapter
  • best friends
  •  work colleagues

Community screenings take place at museums, community centers, recreational facilities, bookstores, or any community venue with a screen.

Screenings can be used as fundraisers for your organization-- or a cause you believe in! Make your event a pizza party, a PJ party, a girls' night out, a meet-the-author event, a NaNoWriMo event, or a potluck!

Pop some popcorn, invite your friends & Family, and have a good time!



  • Choose the date, time and venue.
    We will help you choose!
  • Organize fun activities around the screening:
    • Book signings
    • Q&A with the filmmaker or a local author after the film
    • A lively moderated audience discussion
    • Contests and giveaways!
  • You pay a one-time screening fee of $150
  • To help cover the cost:
    • You can use the event to fundraise!
    • You can find a person or organization to sponsor the event!


  • Answer your questions by email or phone-- anytime!
  • Mail you posters, flyers, and postcards to promote your screening!
  • Send you templates for emails, Facebook and Twitter posts, Facebook events, and press releases to make it easy for you to spread the word!
  • Send you photos and pictures to use on Facebook and Twitter!
  • Connect you to organizations in your area that may want to co-sponsor your event!
  • Send you a DVD or BluRay of the film for your screening!
  • Help you organize a Q&A in person or on Skype with the director, main characters, or local romance writers for your event!

If you are planning a screening at a public library or university,
you will get your copy of Love Between the Covers from our educational distributor, Women Make Movies. A WMM rental or purchase grants your organization the public screening rights for LBTC.
For a small extra fee, we will happily provide all of the services outlined above.
Email our team at for more information.

Interested in hosting a screening of Love Between the Covers at a larger event,
such as a conference, convention, or festival?

Email our team at for more information,
including information about out conference/festival screening fees.


Already started planning your screening?
Check out our guide!


Before you know it, you and your community will be eating popcorn and enjoying the film!

Want to get started? Or do you have more questions about the process? Fill out the form on the right or reach out to our team at:
